Travis Wolf

Travis Wolf, CPA

Retired Shareholder
Travis learned much of what he knows about teamwork from playing football in college. He learned that teamwork is a group of individuals who share a common goal, but each perform very specific tasks.

Favorite Team: Travis loves to cheer on the Oklahoma Panhandle State University Aggie football team.

Fun Fact: In high school, Travis was the state champion in track.

Travis has devoted the entirety of his professional accounting career to serving on the Brown, Graham & Company (BGC) team. He joined the firm in 1989 and became a shareholder in 1999. Travis served as a vice president, the manager of the BGC Spearman office, and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Travis worked primarily with clients in the agriculture industry, specifically with grain farmers. He also worked with small oil and gas producers, and additional work included agriculture taxation, oil & gas taxation, like-kind exchanges, and trust taxation.

Originally from Goodwell, Oklahoma, Travis is retired and currently lives in Spearman, Texas with wife of more than three decades, Kandi. They have two sons, Conner and Cameron. Travis loves living in Spearman because of the people—his family experienced firsthand an outpouring of love and support after one of his sons was in an accident. In his retirement, Travis loves playing his favorite sport, golf. He also enjoys attending activities at his alma mater OPSU. When he has the opportunity to travel, his favorite destination is the mountains.


  • Oklahoma Panhandle State University
    • Bachelor of Science in Accounting (1989)



  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – Texas, Oklahoma


  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Texas Society of CPAs (TXCPA)
  • Panhandle State Foundation
    • Board Member
  • Spearman Scholarship Foundation
    • Board Member
  • Panhandle State Alumni Association